August Events

Posted August 8th, 2010 by Ripskin

The events calendar to the right has been updated with the latest information for the month.

Tomorrow there is a work day in preparation for Operation Black Out, it is short notice but there is still some work to be done. If anyone can make it, the help would be appreciated. See the schedule section of the forums for more information!

There are two day games this month as well as the op. Hope to see everyone on the field! We are trying to some up with some new game modes to keep things interesting. Post on the forums if you have any ideas for new fun ways to play!

This is a reminder, it is very hot out so be sure ti get plenty of sleep, a good meal in you and start hydrating the day before the event and continually throughout the day in order to stay healthy. Should you feel faint or tired please sit down or ask someone to help you to the car park. Your safety and health is more important than a game.